Start Schlossinsel
Castle Island PDF Print E-mail


The castle island in Mirow is a unique ensemble. It includes the Rococo Castle, the Renaissance gatehouse, the cavalier building opposite the castle, the red-brick barn, and the Johanniterkirche. Near the church one can visit the royal crypt, where the members of the house Mecklenburg-Strelitz are buried since 1704. 

Walking over the wrought-iron bridge one will enter the Liebesinsel (‘island of love’). The former cavalier building is now a museum called 3-Königinnen-Palais. It is dedicated to the memory of the three Queens from the house Mecklenburg-Strelitz: the English Queen Sophia Charlotte (1744-1818), the Prussian Queen Louise (1776-1810), and her sister Friederike (1778-1841), Queen of Hanover.